¿Quién soy?

wiar8@w1ar8:~$ cat ./me.txt

Hola! Soy Wiar8 (Sebastian Noguera), preparado para programar el mundo?

  • Wiar8 (Lvl. 15)
  • ⚛️ React/VueJS frontend dev, backend on Django.
  • 🤖 Developer with 3 years of experience.
  • 🐢 Turtle lover.


wiar8@w1ar8:~$ ls Projects/

  • NumberToLetter

    This package is responsible for transforming numbers into text statements.

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  • NFT preview card component

    This is my 1st frontendmentor.io challenge.

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  • Vue Authentication App

    This is a simple application to create a basic authentication using Firebase, Pinia and VueJS.

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wiar8@w1ar8:~$ ls Posts/